
105 Commerce Dr


Backyard Fun Pools

When should I open my pool?

Spring is right around the corner, and some of you may be wondering when is a good time to open your pool.  Here in the Central Kentucky area, we recommend opening your pool late March through early April.  Typically when we tell someone this, we get a gasp or a look of shock.  They say it’s too cold to swim so why should they open their pool so early?  Here is the answer.  Usually in late March and early April, we start to see some warmer temperatures in the 60’s and even 70’s.  Now it is Kentucky, so give it a few days and it will be cold again right?  Right.  The problem is when the water temperatures begin to rise, whatever chemicals you used to keep your pool clear through the winter begin to get used up.  Algae does not thrive in cold water, which is why your winter chemicals can hold you through the season.  However, when the water temperatures begin to rise, your chemicals begin to deplete.  Pretty soon, the chlorine level will drop dangerously low, meaning it can no longer be effective in preventing algae growth.  Add even warmer days, sunshine, and a dark cover, and you have the perfect giant scale petri dish for algae to grow, resulting in a costly chemical opening.  We always tell people it is cheaper to filter the water than to correct it once it goes green or even black.  It is also easier to correct a pool with cooler water temperatures.  So……….open those pools early, even if you’re not swimming.  You will save yourself money and a headache  🙂

Another helpful tip:  Call us a few weeks before you want to open your pool.  In the peak of the pool opening season, we will sometimes be booked a few weeks out.  As always, we appreciate your business.  Have a great day!

Weekly Swimming Pool MaintenanceVinyl Liner ReplacementsPool Openings and ClosingsService CallsFiberglass PoolsBioguard Chemcicals